I have made good progress with my latest story, An Age of Magic, and I am well into the third act. I have a feeling that I have about six or seven more chapters to write, and I will have the first draft in the bag.
It is an interesting experience writing this story – as everything I had thought about it when starting went by the wayside, and I have ended up writing a whole different story.
One of the characters was initially supposed to be a plot device and was doomed to be killed off at the end of the first act, but…I liked the character so much and enjoyed writing them so much, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it and kill them. So the whole idea in my head got turned upside down, and I had to come up with an alternative, which is fun!
I have also finished editing and revising Golden Blood, and I hope to get a few reviews before I publish it in October (If you fancy a read, let me know!)
Below is some cover artwork designs I have been playing with for Age of Magic.