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Feb 2025 Writing Update

I should be spending February reading and fine-tuning and re-reading Above The Clouds ready for publishing it on Feb 14th, but I have found myself writing again, which is not such a bad thing.

I have very little to do with Above The Clouds, and I will give it another full read / edit / polish before the weekend and beat the deadline.

I tried to resist, but I couldn’t help but start writing the sequel to Age of Magic, which I will publish in October. Age of Magic is away at the beta reader’s at the moment, and I am excited to hear their thoughts, and what might need changing / adjusting.

I am loving writing the follow-up and the words (so far!) are flowing easily, and I can see the world, the characters feel alive, and the dialogue is rolling off of the tongues of those alive characters.

So far I am 3.5 chapters in, and have 13k words written. I will keep on chugging with this one, and keep you updated on how things are panning out.

Have fun!

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